
  • Ferley And Washinton Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    Is there anything the city can or will do about the invasion of rodents in the city? I can't go out at night without seeing or smelling a Skunk. My dogs and my neighbors dogs have been sprayed several times this year. I have lived here 40 years and can not remember it this bad before.
    Anyone reading this that have the same problem please add a comment.
  • South Side Washington & Jolly Area Lansing, Michigan - Washington
    Is there anything the city can or will do about the invasion of rodents in the city? I can't go out at night without seeing or smelling a Skunk. My dogs and my neighbors dogs have been sprayed several times this year. I have lived here 40 years and can not remember it this bad before.
    Anyone reading this that have the same problem please add a commit.
  • Sidewalk Problem Archiviato
    5400 Blk S Washington Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    I see that the South Lansing walkway was plowed but who is responsible for clearing the snow off the side walks on ether side of the trail. This must be city property.
  • Street Light Out Archiviato
    5312 S Washington Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    Lights are out in front and down the street to the south.
  • Street Light Out Archiviato
    5312 S. Washington St Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    The street light next to driveway is out. Several others both ways are out too.