D Schachow

  • Graffiti on private property تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    Pathway From Pemberton Avenue To Finch Avenue East Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    East side of the wall separating Finch TTC station from the walkway that runs south from PEmberton Avenue.
  • Post to Neighbors تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    Bayview & Finch Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    Bayview south of Finch has been closed since Sunday. The City's map of road closures (http://map.toronto.ca/maps/map.jsp?app=TorontoTraffic) does not show it as closed - even as an emergency closure. I called this in to 311 Monday evening; 29 hours later, the City has still not updated the map. Bayview is an important, busy road.
  • Post to Neighbors تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    Bayview & Finch Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    Bayview south of Finch has been closed since Sunday. The City's map of road closures (http://map.toronto.ca/maps/map.jsp?app=TorontoTraffic) does not show it as closed - even as an emergency closure. I called this in to 311 Monday evening; 29 hours later, the City has still not updated the map. Bayview is an important, busy road.
  • Post to Neighbors تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    Bayview & Finch Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    Bayview south of Finch has been closed since Sunday. The City's map of road closures (http://map.toronto.ca/maps/map.jsp?app=TorontoTraffic) does not show it as closed - even as an emergency closure. I called this in to 311 Monday evening; 29 hours later, the City has still not updated the map. Bayview is an important, busy road.
  • Higway of Heroes sign تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    Progress Avenue Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    A few weeks ago, several signs on Highway 401 overpasses were unveiled to commemorate the fallen soldiers who pass beneath them on the Highway of Heroes. On the west side of the Progress Avenue overpass is one of those signs, but it still has a plastic garbage bag covering it. Is there a plan to unveil it specially at a later date? Or was it missed when the other signs were unveiled?
  • Higway of Heroes sign تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    Progress Avenue Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    A few weeks ago, several signs on Highway 401 overpasses were unveiled to commemorate the fallen soldiers who pass beneath them on the Highway of Heroes. On the west side of the Progress Avenue overpass is one of those signs, but it still has a plastic garbage bag covering it. Is there a plan to unveil it specially at a later date? Or was it missed when the other signs were unveiled?
  • Higway of Heroes sign تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    Progress Avenue Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    A few weeks ago, several signs on Highway 401 overpasses were unveiled to commemorate the fallen soldiers who pass beneath them on the Highway of Heroes. On the west side of the Progress Avenue overpass is one of those signs, but it still has a plastic garbage bag covering it. Is there a plan to unveil it specially at a later date? Or was it missed when the other signs were unveiled?
  • 45 - 69 Bishop Avenue Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    Three tags, including "55555" and "@#$%"
  • Abandoned utility box? تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    64 Hutcherson Square Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    Recently The Foxer asked readers to report damaged utility boxes. I noticed this dark green, metal box which is open but does not appear to have active contents. It is right beside a relatively new, plastic box. If the new has replaced the old, could the old be removed?
  • Contents of utility box exposed تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    42 Hutcherson Square Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    Recently The Foxer asked readers to report damaged utility boxes. I counted five on my street, including 42 Hutcherson where cables are sticking out from the bottom.
  • Damaged utility box تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    76 Hutcherson Square Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    Recently The Foxer asked readers to report damaged utility boxes. I counted five on my street, including 76 Hutcherson.
  • Damaged utility box تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    18 Hutcherson Square Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    Recently The Foxer asked readers to report damaged utility boxes. I counted five on my street, including 18 Hutcherson.
  • Damaged utility box تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    55 Hutcherson Square Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    Recently The Fixer asked readers to report damaged utility boxes. On my street alone there are five. The worst is:
    55 - light green metal box - cover completely off, contents exposed
  • Stop linemissing - Superstore تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    1755 Brimley Road Toronto, Ontario - Toronto
    1755 Brimley is the municipal address for the Superstore at Progress & Brimley. Until recently, the only control at the T-intersection at the south end of the store was a stop for eastbound traffic. A couple months ago, a stop sign was added for southbound traffic. All of the painted road markings in the area - crosswalks, lane dividers, etc are clearly visible EXCEPT that the stop line has not been painted. The sign is small, off to one side, and was never marked as "new". Vehicles are still travelling through without stopping. There is no control on northbound traffic, so there is a risk of collisions.
    Who is responsible for painting the stop line?
  • TTC stop announcements on 85 Sheppard route تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    5850 Sheppard Avenue East Toronto, ON - Toronto
    Take a drive along Sheppard, between Gateforth and Morningside. Find buildings numbered 6221 and 6481 Sheppard. You'll never find them - there are no buildings fronting on that stretch of Sheppard. The TTC thinks they exist. If you take the 85 Sheppard bus, you'll hear those meaningless addresses announced. Those stops are only used by people who want to take the adjacent walkways to Burrows Hall, Howell and Hutcherson. Why can these real, relevant locations not be announced instead of imaginary addresses that are meaningless to passengers?
  • Neilson Road curbs تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    Neilson Road Toronto, ON - Toronto
    Between Ellesmere and the 401, Neilson was under construction for many months while new sewer pipes were installed. Finally, the work was done and the road repaved. However, the curbs were not done correctly, or left unfinished. In some places, there are old concrete curbs but much of Neilson is lined by asphalt 'curbs'
  • Graffiti on TTC fence تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    45-69 Bishop Ave Toronto, ON - Toronto
    The City takes graffiti seriously, the TTC doesn't. Clean new fence on north side of Bishop Avenue - tagged near the east end six weeks ago. I reported it to Chris Upfold on July 9. Since then, the fence has been tagged near the west end, and a second tag added near the west end. Residents on Bishop look out their front windows at the marred TTC fence.