• 5701 Mission Street San Francisco, CA 94105, USA - Outer Mission
    Previous issue # 215389, SF311 # 1242952, closed as solved. Trash still being left at bus stop next to street receptacle
  • Balboa Park San Francisco, CA 94112, USA - Outer Mission
    Both escalators in the Balboa Park station have been out of order for at least two months with the promise of being out for at least a month more. In addition, the street escalator is boarded up including one stairway, leaving only one narrow stairway for both up and down too the bus stop. Seldom see anyone working on either escalator.
  • Illegal_Dumping Archiviato
    22 Whittier St San Francisco, CA 94112, USA - Outer Mission
    Chronic dumping of household trash, leftover food, hazardous material and recyclable items at, not usually in, a street trash can at Mission and Whittier next to bus stop. Various members of the same household have been observed dumping bags of garbage on the sidewalk next to the can. City has even left signs in Chinese asking them not to do this but the signs were torn off. Uneaten foods can attract rats and leftover paint, broken fluorescent lights and e-waste can be a hazard for children and people boarding buses.
  • 130 Plymouth Ave San Francisco, CA 94112, USA - Ocean View
    Pedestrian crosswalk light from Plymouth across San Jose Avenue along Sagamore far too short, only about 15 seconds. Should be at least 24-26 second. I cannot make it across in time and children and seniors don't stand a chance. One block away, crossing Alemeny, the time allotted to cross its about 30 seconds and the distance is shorter.