
  • South Belmont Avenue Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    Streetlight in alley has been out for a while and alley is really dark and scary. Please put in a new light, thanks!
  • 3000-3004 Grayland Avenue Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    street light out please replace
  • Grafitti Признана
    98 South Sheppard Street Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    Graffitti getting really out of hand here
  • 105-199 South Sheppard Street Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    street light out and iuts dark!
  • grefitti Archived
    2920 West Cary Street Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    grafitti on sidewalk near front door of new york deli
  • Other Archived
    401 Mccloy St Richmond, Virginia - Stadium
    Drug area. Tucked in behind near the intersection of idlewood and mccloy in the woodsy area is a drug pit. Chairs, tents, etc. People doing bad stuff there. Please remove all junk from area, clean up and patrol.
  • Bulk pick up Archived
    310 S Sheppard St Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    Some wood and abandoned sawhorses in alley behind shed. Please pick up
  • Open hole Archived
    200-298 S Sheppard St Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    Open hole in sidewalk with safety cone stuffed in it. Needs capped.
  • 3001-3067 Idlewood Ave Richmond, Virginia - Richmond Precinct 3
    The grass and weeds really need to be cut here. i have noticed that this sidewalk gets a lot of neglect and it is used often. Can someone please posion all the weeds growing up and maybe powerwash the sidewalk side of the looks terrible
  • Gang shoes Archived
    17 S Sheppard St Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    In this alleyway and on the entrane to it on sheppard are gang tennis shoes hanging from power lines please cut down. There are some by the byrd teater in the alley too
  • Graffitti Archived
    2922 W Cary St Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    Somebody tagged the side of the brick building. Please remove. Thanks!
  • 3009 Grayland Ave Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    Streetlight in alley between idlewood and grayland out. It is right near the grayland tot lot. From sheppard street heading in, it would be the second one in.
  • Idlewood Ave & Downtown Expy Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    On shepard street between the intersections of parkwood and grayland is a service hole in the sidewalk. There is a traffic cone upturned and stuffed in it. It is on the sidewalk next to the fence of the halfway house. Please cap this before somone breaks a leg. Thanks
  • 2920 W Cary Street Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    Hi, there are two streetlights out in the alley behind the shops and restaurants. A lot if our employees throw trash out at night and its dark and unsafe. Please fix.
  • 2920 W Cary St Richmond, Virginia - Carytown
    Hi, there are two streetlights out in the alley behind the shops and restaurants. A lot if our employees throw trash out at night and its dark and unsafe. Please fix.