
  • 2000-2102 Lynn Road Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Council District A

    Bushes and trees need to be trimmed on both sides of the street as the sidewalk is partially blocked, please.


  • 2228-2298 Lynn Road Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Council District A

    While sitting in the left turn lane waiting to turn south onto Creedmoor, the drain on the south side of the median is completely blocked. And, the entire 50 meter's worth of the concrete median is littered with the thousands of completely inconsiderately discarded cigarette butts that have been thrown out of drivers' windows.

    Any way to get the drain unblocked and the butts all picked up?


  • Rex Way Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Council District D

    Hi there - this was changed to a turn signal for those of use turning left onto Blue Ridge Road several months ago. It seems to have "reverted " to it's pre-turn timing of giving us about three-seconds to make our turn which then leads to a really long back-up of cars trying to make a left turn.

    If you would please review this and make us all happy again? :)

  • Edwards Mill And Duraleigh Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Council District D

    I have seen LOTS of pedestrians and runners crossing Edwards Mill (heading east) with the walk indicator lit and almost get hit by cars turning right from Blue Ridge (I think that's the road). There's no protection for the pedestrians in the way of their own cross--ight or even a sign that warns cars to yield to pedestrians. You'd think car would automatically yield, but they're too busy looking to the left to see if they can turn right that they often don't see the pedestrians crossing.

    An accident waiting to happen!

    Thanks for checking this out.

  • Lynn Road Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Council District A

    Cars crossing Creedmoor and continuing west on Lynn have two lanes in which to go straight. The issue is that both lanes have to veer over a lane to continue in their lanes (once across Creedmoor). I can't tell you how many time I've seen almost accidents and angry drivers because the person in the right lane continues straight (as it looks like they should) instead of moving over a lane (the guy in the left lane ends up being the one who gets cut off).

    Can we please get some of those dashed lines across the entire intersection so cars are given some sort of indication that the lanes veer over an entire lane? This is a definite safety hazard!

    Thank you for the consideration.

  • Obscured Sign Archived
    6813-6817 Valley Drive Raleigh, North Carolina - Raleigh Council District A

    The speed limit sign is just about completely obscured by an overgrown tree. Regardless, no one obeys it as this is a straight through-road on which cars regularly drive WAY too fast.

    Any way that speed bumps could be installed on this road to slow folks down? It's a regular safety hazard for walkers as there are no sidewalks on this street.

    Thanks very much for the consideration.

  • Road Sinkhole Archived
    Creedmoor Road Raleigh, North Carolina - Northwest
    The road and sidewalk in front of Camden Manor Apartments on Creedmore Rd are sinking! Not is that only in itself dangerous, but it's been this way for so long (at least since I moved in nine months ago) that drivers know it's there and veer halfway into the next lane to avoid it - which is, of course, dangerous to other drivers. (My attached picture is poor, but it's pretty evident still.)
  • 3231 Edwards Mill Road Raleigh, North Carolina - Northwest

    Turning north from John Humphries onto Edwards Mill Rd is extremely painful at present because there is no dedicated turn signal for left turns and the light is too short. Currently, left turns form JH have to wait for the traffic coming straight from Ed Drive to clear and, generally regardless of the time of day, the light is changing to red by the time those cars clear and left turns can take place. At evening rush hour, this means that about 2-3 cars get to go through at a time (depending upon how many cars are going straight) and the cars just pile up farther and farther on John Humphries.

    If a protected left turn can't be installed, can a pressure-sensitive sensor be installed so that it allows more cars through or the light changed to stay green longer?

    It's a dangerous situation because cars end up blowing through the yellow and red lights because they're impatient at having had to wait so long and others simply go straight and blaze through the Rite Aid parking lot in a rush to turn north on Edwards Mill.