
  • 1600 Block Lyons Ave. Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    Renters of this house moved out 3 weeks ago. Whomever removed their belongings dumped it all curbside and hasn't been back yet to dispose of it. The trash bags have been opened by some of my less classy neighbors and now trash is slowing finding it's way to other neighboring residences, sidewalk and street.
    Children have been playing with the trash and so will skunks, raccoons, cockroaches, rats, mice and other vermin.
    Please get the process going to rid us of this trash, as the process takes a lot longer than 7 days to resolve.
  • 1537 Lyons Avenue Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    This house has been taken over by the county. The front porch is full of debris and I know for a fact animals such as raccoons and birds are not only living on the porch, but in the house also. The animals are starting to converge onto my property. Our houses are extremely close in proximity to each other and now along with raccoons and other creatures, rats and cockroaches may follow.
    Since the previous owners left the property, the debris and junk on the front porch makes perfect nesting materials for animals. Can someone from the county please come and remove not only the junk, but the animals from the property.
  • Junk Yard Archivado
    1512 Lyons Ave. Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    This person has been maintaining a junk yard at this address for the last year or so in his backyard. He receives delivery of junk from trucks on a weekly basis. Early in the morning he goes behind an abandoned house (1530 Lyons Ave.) retrieves two city trash barrels from that address, fills them with the junk he doesn't want and sets them out to be picked up on trash day. Isn't that illegal? His total back yard, side and front yard is nothing but a constant eye sore everyday and can be seen CLEARLY from the street. As far as I know, this neighborhood is not zoned for a commercial junk yard. Please have someone come and check this address out. This is NOT the first complaint I've made concerning this address. But it doesn't appear that anything was done about that first complaint
  • 2020 East Mount Hope Avenue Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    The stretch of Mt. Hope Rd. between Aurelius and the Lansing/East Lansing border has one speed limit sign in each direction. Speed limit is posted as 45, however, because the road is in such HORRIBLE condition east bound, people sometimes drive as low as 30MPH. In the west bound direction, the speed limit sign is actually HIDDEN in a tangle of tree limbs and cannot be seen from the road. People race down Mt. Hope Rd. while still in East Lansing, but as soon as they go under the 127 underpass, traffic slows down to 30-35 because there is no indication of what the actual speed limit is. Please solve this easy problem.
  • Traffic Signal Archivado
    Baker St. & Pennsylvania Intersection Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    Why is this the only functioning light at 6:00am on Pennsylvania. I find it ironic that ALL traffic signals from Main St to Mt. Hope are all 4-way blinking lights except for the one street that is a 3-way intersection. Simply ridiculous to have a traffic signal function, especially that early in the morning,.
    Mt Hope and Pennsylvania intersection is a death trap. No one knows or cares that is is a blinking 4-way light, they still race thru it, especially drivers on Penn. They believe they have the right of way no matter what.
  • 1511 Lyons Avenue Lansing, Michigan - Lansing
    I made a similar complaint in the winter. They stopped parking the vehicles in the empty lot and now they are back again. I have seen up to 6 vehicles parked at one time in that lot.
    I can't be sure of the exact address of that vacant lot, but you can't miss the cars that are parked there. Plus the fact, the police never give out tickets to them for parking illegally, even though it's as plain as the nose on their face.