
  • Bulk Trash 已存档
    3050 Walmsley Boulevard Richmond, Virginia - Walmsley
    We have tree limbs, branches, and some other wood stacked at the wooden fence posts in the front yard on Walmsley Boulevard, between the houses numbered 3050 and 3042, and are requesting assistance in having it picked up. Thanks!
  • Street Lighting 已存档
    Walmsley & Banton Street Richmond, VA - Walmsley
    We noticed last night that the entire street of Banton, from Walmsley to Dupont was pitch dark with no overhead lighting. We believe at least one of the street lights may be out. Can someone check this soon for safety reasons?
  • 3050 Walmsley Boulevard Richmond, Virginia - Walmsley
    we have a pile of cut tree limbs/branches (small limbs) stacked near the driveway on the Banton Street side of the corner lot that we would like to have removed. Thanks!
  • 3050 Walmsley Blvd Richmond, VA - Walmsley
    Caller previously contacted 311 to arrange for pick up of tree limbs but city was "behind" due to storm activity earlier this summer. Submitting online request in hopes material can be picked up soon
  • 3100 Walmsley Blvd Richmond, VA - Walmsley
    House has stacks of newspapers in yard and front porch as well as bags stacked in front yard. Fire hazard, nuisance, increased rodent and insect activity. Previously reported to 311 twice. Area was recently cleaned up but the renters are now stacking up again.