
  • 8801-8999 Los Volcanes Rd Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Red SUV on margin of Los Volcanes Road NW, near the junction with 90th St. NW. Been there for 4 days. On undeveloped property. Needs to be towed.
    Thanks for your help.
  • 90th St Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Damaged/wreaked car at corner of 90th and Starboard NW. Mechanical debris spread for about 200 feet behind the vehicle. Gray, small SUV.
  • 8801-8999 Los Volcanes Rd Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Two discarded mattresses and other trash near the junction of 90th St. NW and Los Volcanes NW. Also, 5 bags of brush trash located north of Los Volcanes opposite the Jimmy Carter Middle School. They have been there for over a month.
  • 9315-9399 Bluewater Rd Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Big box of trash opposite Skiff Drive NW, on Bluewater Road NW
  • 90th St Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    THAAANK YOOU TAR CREW for closing up the street-crossing crevasses along 90th St. NW. I no longer hear the endless babump, bump from auto and truck tires hitting those 4"-wide cracks in the roadway. THANKYOU, THANKYOU, THANKYOOOUU!!!
  • 9201-9399 Bluewater Rd Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    About 6 tires discarded next to Bluewater Rd. NW, just west of the apartment exit gate. Also, a mattress, dead Christmas tree and more tires just north of 90th St. and Los Volcances NW. Also, a mattress, two upholstered chairs and multiple wooden pallets at 90th St. NW between Volcano and the Central Ave. frontage road. Big and ugly! We need the Solid Waste guys to run a convoy to get rid of this discarded equipment.
  • 9201-9399 Bluewater Rd Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Ashcan-type fireworks went off at about 10:40 at location displayed.
  • 9201-9399 Bluewater Rd Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Several tires on Bluewater, west of the apartments. Also, a couch or two, off Bluewater, further back in the weeds. Also, a mattress and an upholstered chair down in the middle of 90th St. NW, south of Volcano NW.
  • 90th St Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Mooore trash at 90th St. NW and Los Volcanes NW, and also at 90th St. NW and Volcano Ave. NW. Couches, dead Christmas tree below Volcano/90th St., artificial Christmas tree at 90th NW and Los Volcanes, near Helm, other bags of trash. Please help.
  • Pothole Arquivada
    90th St Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Dear Tar Truck Crew. We need you! Horizontal gaps along 90th St. NW from Western Trail up to Los Volcanes need to be filled with your special hot slurry of asphalt and tar. They are so bad, they make mini-earthquakes when trucks roll over them.
  • Street repair Arquivada
    90th St Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    THAANK YOOUU to Street Repair Service (tar truck guys), Elaine Romero and Councillor Ken Sanchez for the fill and repairs of the deep cracks along 90th St. NW and also Leeward Dr. NW. The streets are smoother, and I no longer have to listen to mini earthquakes on a daily basis outside my home. THAAANK YOU!!
  • 376 W Bluff St Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Four pairs of athletic shoes are hanging from the telephone or cable wires on the telephone pole at the south end of Avalon Park. They have been there for over a year. Can some director get either PNM, Century Link or Xfinity Cable service to remove these impediments, and remove similar items from other high wire lines in the neighborhood. Please.
  • 9401-9499 Bluewater Rd Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Three to four mattresses dumped on the north side of Bluewater Rd in the bushes. They have been there at least a week.
  • 101-199 90th St Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Mattresses, broken wooden pallets, a destroyed couch on this open land. Trash and debris has been here for two months already. Solid Waste, please help. Thank you.
  • 90th St Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Someone dumped a mattress box spring on top of the discarded tumbleweeds on the 90th St. side of 408 Leeward Dr. NW. Big hazardous trash that could cause an accident.
  • 9200 Starboard Rd Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Dog poop and general destruction of tennis court at Avalon Neighborhood Park. Two residents are using the tennis court as their dog run and poop bathroom (not cleaning it up). Also, general problem with weeds and tree overgrowth at the park. It needs cleanup and repair.
  • 9200 Starboard Rd Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Two German Shepard mixed breed dogs were left unleashed and locked in our local Avalon Park tennis court by a (grand)father and his (grand)son for over 1 hour. Approx. time: 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. The humans left, and returned at about the 9:30 time. Court has not shade shelter. Father and son will probably do this again on Thursday and/or Friday.
  • I-40 W Albuquerque, NM, 87123, USA - Albuquerque
    Young man and a woman, hauling a black/white dog on a leash across all lanes of the I-40, just east of the Eubank overpass at 12:40 p.m. on TWO Saturdays. They move north to south, across all lanes, arriving just opposite the Larry Miller Toyota service building. They are going to get splattered all over the freeway.
  • 9118-9182 Volcano Rd Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87121, USA - Avalon
    Old tires, discarded clothing, papers, wooden pallet trash is piling up on public vacant lot AGAIN! This is turning into a public eyesore again. Please send help from Solid Waste to clear out the trash. Thank you!!
  • 8929 Central Avenue Northwest Albuquerque, New Mexico - Avalon
    Mattresses, tires, a discarded TV, other trash is accumulating again on this public land next to the Palisades RV Park. Mattresses and tires have been there for 2 months. Please have Solid Waste remove this trash. Thank you.