
  • 11 Andrew St Salem, MA 01970, USA - City of Salem
    Missed recycling on Andrew street. Bins were out and I saw the truck coming down the street, but it skipped our house and our neighbor.
  • 30-32 North Washington Square Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem

    The placement of the port a potties is terrible and blocks the view of incoming traffic. It's already challenging to cross at this location due to the bend in the road. Now the potties block the ability to see thru the fence.

    And seriously, who wants to smell the toilets while they are eating a fried Oreo? The toilets should be along the edge near Hawthorne hotel.

  • 34 North Washington Square Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    Someone has thrown bottles of trash on the arch and can't be reached to clean.
  • Sidewalk Repair W archiwum
    1-7 Andrew Street Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    Very large crack and uneven sidewalk needs repair. Neighbor tripped and broke her foot on this crack.
  • Road Not Plowed W archiwum
    1 Brooks Ct Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem

    Brooks Court has not been plowed. It was not plowed after Friday's snow, and it still is not plowed after yesterday's snow. At this point it is pure ice underneath and I am unable to get my car out.