
  • Ames Street Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    Does the city regulate or license Air B & Bs. If so they need to inspect the one at 6 Ames St. Friends stayed there this weekend and the kitchen should be condemned. Old rotten food, crusted plates, trash everywhere. What a bad image this place gave Salem. I'll let the photo speak. Wish I could post more than one.
  • 13 Emerton St Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    How are handicapped/elderly residents supposed to handle these giant trash cans. There is no way I can move this on my own. I will need to ask my neighbor. They are way too big and way too difficult to handle.
    You are taking away my independence.
  • 13 Emerton St Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    Parking is already impossible in this neighborhood and you just wiped out 3 spaces. Not at all resident friendly.
  • Sidewalk Repair Archivado
    28 Federal St Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    I just tripped over this 2 inch pipe protrusion on the Federal street side walk and severely injured my face and right arm when I fell. This is dangerous to leave on sidewalk. Please repair. I lay winded in the street for several minutes before I could stand.
  • Emerton St Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    Recycling was picked up. Trash was not.
  • 13 Emerton St Salem - City of Salem
    City dug here a few weeks ago. This is the result. There is no street parking. Parking in the driveway is very dangerous due to the developing sink hole. This thing is going to swallow a kid, pet or car. Please address this.
  • 13 Emerton St Salem, Massachusetts - City of Salem
    Why was my driveway dug up and why are cones placed there?