Sylvia McConnell

  • Illegal signage 已存档
    71 Chiswell Crescent Toronto, ON M2N 6E1, Canada - Toronto
    The Grand Luxe across from our townhouses at 3100 Bayview has a mobile sign which is contrary to local bylaws. This building belongs to the Greek Orthodox Church behind it and as such is not a commercial entity. And this area is not zoned commercial. Churches in our area are allowed to rent a mobile sign in black and white for a specified period of time - if they obtain a permit. This sign has been up for weeks, is in many colour, so totally garish and not suitable for a residential area . We have complained many times in the past about their signs , they never have a permit , and because it 's across the street in another ward , we can't get either councillor's office interested in their blatant disregard for our neighbourhood and its bylaws.