
  • 120 Woodward Ave New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore
    I see the "leaf fence" is up and doing it's job of keeping the leafs from blowing across the street. However as snow is coming I hope the leafs can be cleaned up and the fence taken down to prevent snow drifts from building up on Woodward Ave and in particular the entrance to the Coast Guard Base. Thank you
  • SNOW RELATED W archiwum
    120 Woodward Ave New Haven, Connecticut - East Shore

    Snow drifts across Woodward Ave. and the entrance to the Coast Guard Base. I believe that the snow fencing installed along Woodward
    Ave and along the entrance to the Coast Guard base is to close to the roadways. I attached this link to Strategic Highway Research Program so you can better place snow fencing in the future. I believe that removing the existing fencing will help eliminate the snow drifting issues we are currently experiencing. In particular the buildup of snow at the entrance to the Coast Guard Base that creates a visibility problem when exiting the Base. Thank you for your consideration.