Pat McCarthy

  • Tree Issues Archivé
    Rapp Rd & Springsteen Rd Albany, NY, 12203, USA - Dunes
    The corner of rapp rd and Springsteen there is a tree with a limb that is dangling downward. It is by the stop sign. I would hate to see that limb fall down as someone is turning the corner.
  • 33 Edenburg Ave Albany, NY, 12203, USA - Campus Area-University District
    This vehicle has been outside this house for well over 2 years. The street is narrow and this car is in the way. This house is a rental property but there is no reason they can’t put it in the driveway. My relatives live next door and they have to shovel more than there fair share since the snow is dumped in front of their house. They are both in their 70’s and should have to do that.
  • Street repair Archivé
    Rapp Road New The Condos Albany, New York - Albany
  • Tree Issues Archivé
    Rapp Road Albany, New York - Dunes
    There is a tree limb going over the road which appears to be dead. It looks like it will fall with the next storm and it will fall onto a car traveling on Rapp rd before the railroad tracks heading towards Central from Washington Ave. It is right at the old entrance to the back of six mile where the "parking lot" is.
  • Central Ave Wamc The Linda Albany, New York - Central Avenue
    We were with a group of people and no one was able to pay. The person in the building says this happens all the time.
  • Corning Place Albany, New York - Albany
    The park behind City Hall is poorly maintained. There are weeds growing and bare spots. This park could be made beautiful with a little work with what is already there. Hostas should be planted around the trees and there are plenty of them that need separating. The weeds or plants are cut and just left in a pile. They take more time and effort about the fountain then they do on the rest of the park. Some shrubs need to be trimmed back as you can poke your eye out if you are not looking if you walk thru the park.I would be more than happy to meet with someone to discuss what I mean.
  • Corning Place Albany, New York - Albany
    There is no cross walk markings and it is difficult to cross when people are getting out of work and people trying to get to the garage to get their cars or people going to jury duty. No one stops to let people cross the street, it is especially dangerous in the winter when it is dark and people usually are wearing darker clothes. it would be helpful to have a crosswalk painted on the street to the garage or possibly a yield sign. When trucks are delivering to the hotel and or the buses are parked there for events it also makes it difficult for people to be seen.
  • 68-100 Corning Place Albany, New York - Albany
    There is no cross walk for people walking and going to the parking garage and there is no yield sign or other visible means for drivers to see pedestrians trying to cross. People driving north fly by that intersection without any regard to the people either walking to the garage or possible jury duty.
  • Lodge St Albany, New York - Albany
    Issue # 1869604 This has been reported and assigned a issue # and the item has been closed stating it would be taken care of in the next few weeks. Well that was back in August so what is the hold up.
  • landscaping Archivé
    City Hall Albany, New York - Battery Park
    The park behind city hall is a sorry site. The weeds are overgrown and plants are brown. I see maintenance workers there but they seem more interested in keeping the fountain clean than anything else. The hostas around the trees are burnt, there is weeds all on edge of the back of city hall. Someone should rethink the planting as there seems to be more sun and not enough mulch.
  • Eagle St Albany, New York - Albany
    The signs should be moved when not in use. People are tripping over the metal rods on the bottom as they stick out into the sidewalk.
  • Lodge St. Albany, New York - Albany
    This issue has been raised before and I see where someone spray painted the area but when is it going to be done. This is across from the court house and St. Mary's Church on Lodge St.
  • 125 State Street Albany, New York - Albany
    The black lamp post at the top of state st. in front of the capital # 30 is hanging incorrectly. If this falls on someone or someone's car it would be , it would cause serious damages.