John Kreutzberger

  • 33 Lawn Ave Portland, ME 04103, USA - Portland
    Recycling bins on our side of the street have not been emptied as of 6 this evening.
  • Trash/Recycling W archiwum
    33 Lawn Avenue Portland, Maine - Portland
    I just read your notice that says that leaf bag collection does not start until 11/1/17. This is absolutely ridiculous! I am incensed that we pay such high taxes and only get curbside pick up of lawn & garden waste for a puny 4 weeks out of the year. There should be 1 week per month when it gets picked up in addition to this 4-week period. If the city of Portland cannot figure out how to make this happen, the powers that be are either incompetent or have no concept at all about public service. AND don't reply to tell me that I can take it in myself any time I want. Do you want to lend me a truck??-these bags don't fit into my car.
  • Trees W archiwum
    33 Lawn Avenue Portland Maine - Portland
    Large limb broke off the city tree in front of the house. The large hunks are out of the street but they should be picked up and the tree inspected. Thanks
  • Dead Animal W archiwum
    479-487 Stevens Ave Portland, Maine - Portland
    In front of 491 Steven's. Been here since Saturday and getting nasty. Squirrel.
  • Street Signs W archiwum
    277 Woodford St Portland, Maine - Portland
    The sign here has been struck by a vehicle and has been bent over to interfere with the sidewalk. It is a hazard to pedestrians.
  • Litter W archiwum
    385 Stevens Ave Portland, Maine - Portland
    The people here are frequently tossing hunks of bread and other food items onto the sidewalk in front of their business and also in the parking lot behind their back door which is adjacent to Orkney Street. It looks like they are feeding the birds but we have lots of wildlife in the neighborhood that are probably feeding on this stuff too. I have seen numerous skunks this summer for example. I feel tossing these foodstuffs out on the street regularly is a health hazard and probably not good for the critters either. Yesterday I even saw a number of stale mini chocolate donuts. Isn't this some sort of code violation?
  • Street Signs W archiwum
    Corner Of Congress And Deering - Portland
    Traffic light is out at this intersection
  • 155 Hartley St Portland, Maine - Portland