Casa San Giorgio

  • 901–999 N Tucson Blvd Tucson 85716, United States - Sam Hughes
    This concern is larger than a streetlight not being bright enough. The crosswalk is not a safe space for people to actually cross. It is rare that car slow down at this intersection. Often, cars are exceeding the speed limit. More light would be helpful along with a repainted crosswalk and perhaps some sort of other reflective devices. There is a nearby playground as well as a preschool. I use this crosswalk each day, with my 4year old, and know the little children from the preschool also use it.
  • Pothole 已存档
    2327-2333 East 1st Street Tucson, AZ 85719, USA - Sam Hughes
  • 2300-2302 East 1st Street Tucson, AZ 85719, USA - Sam Hughes