
  • 240 Woodbine St Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - Harrisburg
    This street light has not worked for 4 months!
  • Pot Hole Arquivada
    216-218 Woodbine Street Harrisburg, PA - Harrisburg
    Pot Hole at the intersection of Green and Penn. Smack dab in the middle of the street. Growing for one year and getting bigger. Image coming soon!
  • 250-298 Woodbine St Harrisburg, PA - Harrisburg
    This has been here over 2 years. When it shifts, someone comes and places asphalt around it to "anchor" it again, but it, and whatever is going on underneath it, HAS NEVER BEEN FIXED!
  • 240 Woodbine Street Harrisburg, PA - Harrisburg
    Street light cover is not secured and dangling. It has been this way since the big storm from two months ago.