
  • 3150 Cesar Chavez Street San Francisco, CA - Mission
    The condition of Cesar Chavez street is beyond poor. There are too many defects to list. The entire street is dangerous for bike riders and is damaging to cars. Potholes, uneven pavement, no lane striping. At one time we had hoped to have this street be a new tree-lined boulevard. Sadly it has just been abandoned by the city and our supervisor. The construction has long been completed and our underserved community has been left with a an eyesore and a street that is more dangerous than before the sewer work began.
  • Broken Playground Equipment تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    990 Treat Avenue San Francisco, CA - Mission
    The slide at this playground is completely missing. There is dangerous sharp metal protruding from the ground where the slide once was. An issue for over 6 months.
  • Illegal_Dumping تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    3055-3099 23rd St San Francisco, CA 94110, USA - Mission
    Household dumping
  • 2824 24th St San Francisco, CA - Mission
    The fountain in this park is broken. The switches won't turn on the water fountain.
  • Cans_Left_Out_24x7 تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    1051 Treat Ave San Francisco, CA 94110, USA - Mission
    Cans left out every week for several days