
  • 1 Linden Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    Linden St at Foster has still not been plowed on the odd side. There have been no street signs posted, cars with bullhorns going through, and no calls or emails from the EOC with an update. Can we get an idea of when plowing will happen? The longer this is taking the more people are ignoring the parking ban.
  • Linden Street New Haven, CT - East Rock
    My roof rack fairing was stolen off of my car on 12/31. It was probably an isolated incident but I would recommend that others may want to secure or remove any adapters or racks when not in use.
  • 992 State Street New Haven, CT - East Rock
    The public parking lot at the corner of State and East has yet to be plowed, making it quite the parking hazard for area residents trying to park off street.