Jim Fiorillo

  • Street Lights Đã lưu trữ
    Coolidge St. Everett, Massachusetts - Everett
    Called City Hall 10 days ago and reported pole light out on pole 3151. It is still out.
  • Promises never kept. Đã lưu trữ
    33 Coolidge St Everett, Massachusetts - Everett
    In 2010 a brand new house was built at 33 Coolidge St. A very healthy, beautiful, full tree was taken down in front off 31 Coolidge St. When I called the previous Director of City Services he told me it was causing damage to the sidewalks. I told him I had witnesses and pictures and it was not true. He then promised me that a new tree will be put in at 33 Coolidge St. The owner Janet Cola meta and myself Jim Fiorillo have been calling for 4 years and getting nothing but lip service. This is typical of our current govenment. Lip service. When is the tree going to be put in?