k sircher

  • 1436 Wilder Street Evanston, IL 60202, USA - Evanston
    this is the third time we have heard gun shots fired in our neighborhood in two weeks. Last night at approximately 8:30 pm, three shots were fired. the police always respond but they are reacting to the situation. The cite needs a proactive approach to dealing with this. this is absolutely unacceptable. We have multiple families with children in this area who pay very high taxes to stay here. there under no circumstances should ever be gun fire anywhere in Evanston.
    What is the city and the Mayor going to do about this?
  • Tornado Siren Arquivado
    1432 Wilder St Evanston, IL 60202, USA - Evanston
    The tornado siren goes off all the time in Evanston and is used as a warning bell for snow removal as well as street cleaning. This is a very dangerous use of the warning siren. If we have a tornado or emergency and the siren goes off, no one in the city will take it seriously and not take proper precautions to protect themselves and their families. This is a completely inappropriate use for such a serious alarm and I am in disbelief that the city uses these sirens for day to day operations. This needs to be changed immediately.