
  • 467 Belgrove Dr Kearny, New Jersey - Kearny
    The gates on the tennis courts need to be fixed, Missing handles. the gates do not stay closed
  • 469 Belgrove Dr Kearny, New Jersey - Kearny
    Yesterday, 3/29/17, Belgrove Dr playground was locked on the Park Ave entrance. I watch a mom carry her baby in the stroller down the steps on Belgrove. Also, Park Ave entrance is handicapped accessible. Who should I call, to rectify the ?situation at hours when Dept of Public Works or Recreation is closed. Why was it locked? Not the first time this has happened
  • 22 Quincy Ave Kearny, New Jersey - Kearny
    The corner of Quincy Ave and Trinity Place is extremely dark. I can not tell if a light is out, or there just is no light on the corner. Please investigate. There is no light until you get about 1/3 down the street on Trinity Place
  • 484 Belgrove Dr Kearny, New Jersey - Kearny
    the street light at Quincy and Bergen has been out for weeks. I keep forgetting to look for the number on the poll. Can someone please handle this
  • 459 Belgrove Dr Kearny, New Jersey - Kearny
    The pedestrian crossing sign is constantly being run over or knocked down. I would like to see permanent signs installed on post on the curbs. This crossing, in particular, as there is a playground here. I would like to see all areas with playgrounds and schools so posted with permanent signs. In the long run it would cost us less money. I would also like to see these crossings painted so it is clear to drivers these are crosswalks. Perhaps a speed limit sign. Speeding on Belgrove is a problem. Thank you
  • Kearny Avenue Kearny, New Jersey - Kearny
    I am writing to express my concern regarding school buses picking up and discharging children from the day care centers in Kearny. Children are pickup up and dropped off at their day cares before and after school.
    On several occasions I have witnessed children loading the buses in the morning ( around 8:00 a.m.) The buses do not have the appropriate lights flashing or bar extended.
    Car and buses pass these buses while children are loading the buses.
    I have witnessed this too many times. I witnessed it again this morning, and want to take action.
    I prefer not to mention the specific location I have witnessed this at, in this post, but I have witnessed it.
    I am asking that this be addressed. Perhaps send an officer to watch. The schools and day care centers (all of them) should be put on notice. I did address this once (somewhat informally) with someone from the Kearny Schools, but it seems that was not enough or perhaps the wrong approach.
    I will contact the Kearny Police, traffic division the Board of Education , and the day care I have seen this happen at, to follow up, but I wanted to get this out there to ask the Town, Board of Education, and Day Care Centers, to help on this issue.
    Thank you for your anticipated help.
  • Other Archivé
    Oakwood And Kearny Ave Kearny, New Jersey - Kearny
    This morning, at 8:07, I witnessed the crossing guard on Kearny and Oakwood do nothing while kids were crossing Kearny Ave.
    There were at least 6 kids crossing (west to east). He was on the North-East corner with his back to the kids, talking with someone.
    Not the first time I have seen this, but today really got to me, There were a lot of kids.
    Generally, the crossing guards spend a lot of time chatting. If kids are not crossing, maybe its ok,? But today was an example of what should not be happening.
    Please direct this to proper channels
    Thank you
  • 595 Belgrove Dr Kearny, New Jersey - Kearny
    The street light at Belgrove and New Lawn has been out for weeks. (west side of street) the number on the pole is
    E 62147 KY
    Can you notify pseg or should I?
  • Other Archivé
    497 Belgrove Kearny, New Jersey - Kearny
    Sunday afternoon,m parks closed
  • Playgrounds Archivé
    497 Belgrove Drive Kearny, New Jersey - Kearny
    Playground at Belgrove locked on a Sunday afternoon. I believe others were locked as well. Not the first time playground has been locked, And the handicapped entrance has been locked/