Jane Leitz

  • Brook Run Park N Peachtree Rd, Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    Ever since the soccer fields opened, the volume of cars traveling through the park has greatly increased and so has their speed as they race to a soccer practice or game. Please consider adding additional speed humps to protect ALL park visitors. Thank you.
  • 4770 N Peachtree Rd Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    The dog park needs poop bags ASAP; we are down to 5 individual boxes. Please consider providing 3 cartons at a time.
  • 4770 N Peachtree Rd Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    We are down to 3 boxes (individual boxes, NOT cartons) of poop bags. Please address ASAP. Thank you.
  • 4770 N Peachtree Rd Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    Large dog park: When performing monthly maintenance each month, please deposit extra gravel near the double-gate entry. Park volunteers will spread the gravel as needed throughout the month.
    Thank you!
  • 4770 N Peachtree Rd Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    Why are several natural walking trails off the paved path closed?
  • 4770 N Peachtree Rd Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    We are almost out of poop bags. Also, the weeds in the dog park are overgrown. Thank you.
  • 4770 N Peachtree Rd Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    There are several DEEP holes that remain unfilled in the dog park. This is probably the 3rd or 4th report that I alone have made. Is the city waiting for a dog or person to get hurt before it pays attention to this? All that is needed is some dirt...! Please take care of this as soon as possible. Thank you.
  • 4777 Vermack Rd Dunwoody, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    First, thanks for fixing up and re-opening the dog park, we really appreciate it!
    Three items that still need attention:
    1) There is a large gap in the fence in the far back corner that we have temporarily fixed, but it needs to be addressed ASAP.
    2) There are several deep holes that remain unfilled. These present a danger to humans and dogs.
    3) The water station at the top is not working properly.
    Thank you!
  • 1-99 S Georgia Way Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    There is a pallet of river rock in the front parking lot at Brook Run. The dog park is in desperate need of river rock to channel the flow of water runoff inside the park. Is there any way this pallet can be moved to the dog park?
    Thank you!
  • 1-99 S Georgia Way Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    This deep hole in the dog park remains unfilled. It was first reported on 7/21 and again on 7/30. This is the second time that Dunwoody has closed this report without taking care of the problem.
    PLEASE fill this hole ASAP before a dog or human gets hurt.
    Thank you.
  • 4770 N Peachtree Rd Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    There are several deep holes in the middle of the dog park. Someone or their dog could easily hurt themselves. Please fill in with dirt as soon as possible.
    Thank you.
  • Brook Run Park N Peachtree Rd, Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    Dog park -- overgrown weeds throughout the park -- very inviting to snakes and rodents. Please trim ASAP.
    Thank you!
  • Brook Run Park N Peachtree Rd, Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    Great opportunity to recycle more! There are several garbage cans like this in the front of the park near the baseball fields, but there aren't any recycling ones nearby.
    Also, please empty these cans more often. This is just one of several in the same area that are overflowing with garbage.
    Thank you!
  • 4730-4768 N Peachtree Rd Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    First, thank you for fencing in the area in the dog park that never dried out. Since drainage is still an issue there, please make sure to spray it well during mosquito season.
    There are numerous fairly deep craters in the treed area of the dog park. Sooner or later, someone or their dog is going to get hurt. Please dump some dirt in these holes.
    Thank you!
  • 4485 E Kings Point Cir Atlanta, GA, 30338, USA - Dunwoody
    DEEP pothole in street where patch had previously been made. Another pothole in the patch is forming as well.
  • Brook Run Dog Park Dunwoody, Georgia - Dunwoody
    STANDING WATER remains a problem at the dog park, despite the installation of some drainage pipes. Dogs who drink from this water can become infected with giardia, which is quite contagious. PLEASE CONSIDER ADDING RIVER ROCK TO THIS SECTION OF THE DOG PARK.
    Also, please consider adding more gravel to the rest of the dog park.
    Thank you!!!
  • Other 已存档
    Brook Run Dog Park Dunwoody, Georgia - Dunwoody
    As you can see from the attached photograph, the new drain pipe in the back of the park is exposed and a dog could easily escape through the gap between the pipe and the fence.
    Also, there are areas of high grass inside the park where snakes and other critters might take up residence if the grass isn't cut.
    Thank you!
  • Brook Run Park -- Dog Park Dunwoody, Georgia - Dunwoody
    Light pole #55 (inside the dog park) is tilting quite a bit. I suspect this is something that Georgia Power will need to address, but just wanted to make sure that a request to repair it has been made. Thank you.
  • Brook Run Park -- Dog Park Dunwoody, Georgia - Dunwoody
    We truly appreciate the work that has been done to date in the dog park. However, the mud pit towards the lower back of the park is still there. In a couple of months, this will be a haven for MOSQUITOES! Also, the upper section of the park closest to the multi use fields needs more gravel by the fence. Thank you!!!
  • Other 已存档
    Brook Run Park Dunwoody, Georgia - Dunwoody
    Many people toss plastic bags of bottles in the recycling bins, If the plastic bags present a problem from a recycling standpoint, you may need a sign that says "No plastic bags."
    Also, there are 4 bins, but only 3 signs. What type of glass should be deposited into the unmarked bin?