
  • 255-299 Balcerzak Dr Mankato, Minnesota - Mankato
    On the east bound Lane the lines are confusing for many people that try to go straight from both lanes when it looks like the left lane should be strictly a turn lane. I have seen a lot of near accidents because the open space people think they can just go straight from the left lane and almost hit people in the right lane. Another line or 2 on the road would help not cause this issue.
  • Pothole Archiviato
    255-299 Balcerzak Drive Mankato, MN 56001, USA - Mankato
    Pothole in the east bound right lane just before the stop lights.
  • Balcerzak Dr Mankato, Minnesota - Mankato
    Right in front of the firehouse in the right lane there is a big dip in the road almost like a pothole