
  • 192 Mitchell Drive New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    A partially dead tree (right across from the CT transit bus stop) with many large dry limbs/branches that cause danger of falling on people or passing cars. A 10 ft branch fell down right by my feet when walking my dog the other day.
  • Illegal Dumping W archiwum
    White Trail New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    Black, plastic garbage bag with possibly a dead animal inside (bad odor, lots of flies and some intestines scatter around the bag) was spotted on the white trail between Orange St and Rice Filed yesterday evening (7/20/2016). It seems the bag was dumped from the road and rolled into the trail.
    Hope it wasn't a bait dog inside.
  • Mitchell Drive New Haven East Rock, CT - East Rock
    They are so in rush that instead of using the machine to lift the can and empty it, they grab one bag by hand and leave the other smaller bags behind. This morning right after the dump truck left my street I had to remove four smaller garbage bags from my trash can, picked up one piece of garage from the street that was left behind and put them in a public garbage container across the street. This has been an ongoing issue on my street.
  • Stray cat? W archiwum
    66-76 Anderson Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    This cat has been hanging out in my back yard for a while now. It is not friendly and looks abandoned. It does not have a collar. Does it belong to anyone in the neighborhood?