James Lent

  • 2-98 Intervale Rd Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Road crews left a 4" curb in the middle of the road that is almost impossible to see or judge the size of as you approach it. This just caused a severe bike crash, resulting in a woman being taken to the hospital with a concussion, road rash, and bruising.
  • 83 Brattle St cambridge, ma - West Cambridge
    car is abandoned in the bike lane.
  • 2532-2804 Mystic Valley Pkwy Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford

    Pedestrian crossing button broke today. I can't cross the street. Can you please help? Maybe we can get a crossing guard until this is fixed?



  • Other Archiviato
    66c Hampshire St Cambridge, MA 02139, USA - The Port
    vehicle parked on sidewalk completely blocking passage
  • Other Archiviato
    66c Hampshire St Cambridge, MA 02139, USA - The Port
    vehicle parked on sidewalk completely blocking passage
  • Alewife Linear Path Cambridge, Massachusetts - North Cambridge
    large hunks of the bridge have fallen off the underside onto the bike path. I removed the hunks from the path, but it looks like more will continue to fall.
  • 652 Somerville Avenue Somerville, Massachusetts - Somerville

    The traffic light here is broken. It does not respond to the pedestrian buttons or to the small side street magnetic loop in the ground. Cars and pedestrians are forced to run the red light.
    Is it possible to assign an officer to help direct traffic until this issue is fixed? At least during rush hour would be good, given it is a major thoroughfare for foot traffic, due to the railroad underpass at the light.


  • 111 Sacramento Street Somerville, Massachusetts - Somerville

    The pedestrian buttons do not work at this light. I believe there are several issues with the pedestrian crossing buttons that have built up over the last few months. First, the indicator lights that signal that your button press has been acknowledged do not seem to light up, even if the button press is successful at triggering the traffic light. Second, the pedestrian buttons are often flaky, and frequently only one or two at the light will trigger it. Today, it appeared that none of the buttons were working at all.

    Additionally it appears the magnetic car loop that is triggered by cars on Sacramento street is deactivated. I've seen frustrated cars run a red light to get through the intersection.

    Some time last week the entire signal was off, so perhaps these problems relate to that?

    Thanks so much for your help!

  • 41 Hampshire Street Cambridge, Massachusetts - The Port
    car parked in bike lane, blocking the exit and entrance to the 201 Broadway garage
  • 881-891 Somerville Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts - North Cambridge
    There is a shattered beer bottle in the underpass under the train tracks. Thanks for your help!
  • Mit Cambridge, Massachusetts - Mit

    Pedestrians are required to press the "beg" button in order to cross the street along the esplanade, at all times of day, despite constant foot and bike traffic 24/7. If people crowd around the button but don't push it, large crowds of people start to backlog at the light, because it skips the ped signal all together.

    This would be a perfect opportunity to change the light cycle to always include the pedestrian signal. I have literally never been thorough this intersection without at least one pedestrian or bicycle waiting to cross.

    Thanks :)

  • 252 Pearl Street Cambridge, Massachusetts - Cambridgeport
    They have been trying to jackhammer at a staircase for about a month. So far they have removed less than 10% of the bulk of it, and still they keep at it, all day long. It wouldn't be so at awful if there was any end in sight, but at their current rate this will continue deep into winter. Please help!
  • 233 Alewife Brook Pkwy Cambridge, Massachusetts - Cambridge
    The stop sign appears to have been hit by a car, and then removed. Now cars do not stop before plowing through the pedestrian and bike path, often almost hitting people. This sign is particularly important because it is on a somewhat blind corner, in a parking lot exit with a long straight away leading up to it, so the cars approach at a very high speed.
  • 1465 Massachusetts Ave Arlington, Massachusetts - Arlington
  • Cambridgeport Cambridge, Massachusetts - Cambridgeport
    The inmate crew did a beautiful job of clearing the pedestrian overpass, but nobody has cleared the connecting path. #bridgetonowhere