
  • Recycling Collection - Missed تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    1709 Harvard St Nw Washington, District of Columbia - Mount Pleasant
    THis applies to the entire back alley between Harvard and Hobart St. Past two weeks' collection were missed due to snow.
    Could you please schedule a make up collection date to clear the alley.
    Thank you!
  • Trash Collection - Missed تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    1709 Harvard St Nw Washington, District of Columbia - Mount Pleasant
    This applies to the entire back alley between Harvard St and Hobart St NW.
    Last week's collection was missed due to the snow storm. No make up date was planned and today's collection was cancelled again presumably due to the snow.
    Could you please schedule a pickup for the entire alley?