
  • Tree Requests Archivé
    670 Whitney Ave New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Prospect Hill
    Please. Please 🙏 please help
    Our sidewalk tree is dead. It needs to be removed and then ultimately replaced with another. But for now, it continues to drop dead branches on sidewalk where all the children (with their parents) walk to and from big hooker school across the street. I’ve complained and asked for it to be removed >5 times. Someone comes out and takes the bark off (easily), states it’s dead and promises it will be removed for everyone’s safety. But, it still remains. I understand it’s an old tree, but someone is going to get hurt. Please remove it.
    Michael - owner of home of 670 Whitney Ave.
  • 670 Whitney Ave New Haven CT 06511, United States - Prospect Hill
    Still not rectified Trash is still outside In brown container and leaf bags in proper bags No one came yesterday nor Tuesday Please help Other people on street still hv brown garbage cans out waiting
  • Tree Requests Archivé
    670 Whitney Ave New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - Prospect Hill
    Once again a tree branch fell from this big, but dead tree. Previous communications. I was told that this tree would be taken down. I’m still waiting. Do you have a time for when you’ll be able to remove it so that no children get injured. Directly across the street is Worthington Hooker school so every morning hundreds of kids walk by risking Trumatic brain injury or worse.
  • Tree Trimming Archivé
    670 Whitney Ave New Haven CT 06511, United States - Prospect Hill
    The tree is sick and or dead The branches fall off all the time The bark is peeling off
    Worthington Hooker will be opening in a few weeks Don't want the tree to hurt the kids
    Cut it down Replace it with another tree ?
  • 600-680 Whitney Ave New Haven, Connecticut - Prospect Hill
    Aprons from road to driveways TOO STEEP! This is a big problem. Unless you have an elevated truck the apron angle destroys the bottom of your car; going in to your apt/condo/house from whitney ave and leaving.
    I've already had to use insurance co to help repair front and underneath car. Need some help with this. $5,000 to fix ourselves! Who has that much money for apron/sidewalk project? Especially paying so much in housing taxes.
  • 670 Whitney Ave New Haven, Connecticut - Prospect Hill
    no trash pickup on tuesday! From Huntington to Highland on Whitney avenue. no one responds. Recycling fine. The entire block with brown containers still waiting for removal