• Metro Security Acknowledged
    8279-8721 Carmel Ave Ne Albuquerque, NM, 87122, USA - Albuquerque
    neighborhood boys continue to develop this flood control, fenced-off area turning into a dirt bike park. Now they have erected a canopy.
  • Fertilizer Archived
    87122 Albuquerque, NM, USA - Albuquerque
    No complaint, Just A display of city worker ingenuity...
  • Barstow St Ne Albuquerque, NM, 87122, USA - Albuquerque
    Now more teenagers showing up. There is no signage posted but the area is clearly fenced in by some agency. There are several breeches in the fence. Law suits waiting to happen...
  • Barstow St Ne Albuquerque, NM, 87122, USA - Albuquerque
    Arroyo south of Desert Ridge Middle School, fenced in. Local teenagers have breeched fence in several places, built several ramps for dirt bikes. Creates a lot of dust. More importantly, liability to city if they get hurt.
  • 87122 Albuquerque, NM, USA - Albuquerque
    Good Lord, this is my 4th report about motorcycles on the the field. it's because the gate to the field is unlocked which I have reported for 6 weeks.
  • 8701-8799 Desert Fox Way Ne Albuquerque, NM, 87122, USA - Albuquerque

    I don't even know what to say anymore to you guys. I have sent a no less than 6 complaints over the last few weeks. And nothing has been resolved.

    City of Albuquerque does not lock the gate shown in my picture to the field. Last year, they always ensured the gate was locked. So maybe new crew, I don't know period but who is their supervisor that hasn't trained them properly?

    I've previously reported that sprinkler heads in the field are not adjusted correctly. And the field shows it with burn marks. Who is in charge of that? My tax dollars are paying for someone.

    And the kids on motorcycles still come in and tear up the turf. And nobody From the city cares.

    What is wrong with this picture?

  • 87122 Albuquerque, NM, USA - Albuquerque
    Alright yo I've been warning you for several weeks now. I have previously reported that the double gates are not locked. Additionally I've reported to you that the sprinklers on the athletic field do not all rotate and the grass is burning.. Football started today on a burned up field and we're gonna be in the nineties all next week.
    But the kids on the motorbikes are tearing up the field and all it takes is a lock on a gate.
  • 87122 Albuquerque, NM, USA - Albuquerque
    Athletic field is burning up because sprinklers are not set properly, some are broken, many do not rotate properly. Next week will be in the high 90s. that will scorch the turf and football starts in July. please get someone out here to fix...
  • 8701-8799 Desert Fox Way Ne Albuquerque, NM, 87122, USA - Albuquerque
    Multiple sprinklers on athletic field not rotating properly. Multiple dead spots on field.
    City workers not locking the double gate for the past 3 weeks after mowing.
  • 8701 Desert Fox Way Ne Albuquerque, NM, 87122, USA - Albuquerque
    This is a continuing saga that I've reported before. 1st the city was not picking up the garbage., Then they finally did but they took the entire can. As you can see in the picture the people that walk the path with their dogs are continuing to put doggy poo around the ring where the garbage can used to be. Additionally there is a second garbage can on the path that they never emptied.
  • 7799-7823 Wilshire Ave Ne Albuquerque, NM, 87122, USA - Nor Este
    Sprinkler system not operating correctly on athletic field. Rotation needs to be adjusted. Dead spots in field.
  • Broadstone Heights Townhomes Albuquerque, NM, 87122, USA - Albuquerque
    Between 5 PM to 5:15 PM I observed 3 motorcycle riders at desert ridge middle school. I could not see what they were doing because they were somewhere inside the school complex. Their engines were off and then I photographed them leaving.
  • 8805 Desert Fox Way Ne Albuquerque, NM, 87122, USA - Albuquerque
    garbage can still not emptied. 3rd request. South fence of desert Ridge middle school. crew mows athletic field on Tuesdays. they have forgotten the cans are there...
  • 8704 Desert Finch Ln Ne Albuquerque, NM, 87122, USA - Albuquerque
    fine person riding 4 wheeler on desert Ridge middle school property
  • 4 wheeler Archived
    8704 Desert Finch Ln Ne Albuquerque, NM, 87122, USA - Albuquerque
    @#$% wipe riding 4 wheeler on desert Ridge middle school athletic field.
  • 8220 Grape Arbor Ct Ne Albuquerque, NM, 87122, USA - N Albuquerque Acres
    desert Ridge middle school, South side of athletic field. Crew picks up garbage on Tuesdays. have forgotten there are 2 cans on walking path
  • 200-258 Indian School Rd Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87102, USA - Wells Park
    This trash can is on the South side of the athletic field at desert ridge middle school. It is on a nature path just south of the school fence.
  • 1626 Los Tomases Dr Nw Albuquerque, NM, 87102, USA - Wells Park
    teenagers riding dirt bikes on school field
  • 87122 Albuquerque, NM, USA - Albuquerque
    Man and dog hunt Coyote family every morning 6:30 am - 7:15. Man does not stay on path but literally walks dog throughout the bushes. Coyote family of 3 adults and 7 pups occupy this area. The adult Coyotes know this man and dog and bark their warnings every morning. Man throws rocks at Coyotes. I am fearful for the man's dog. I have seen this pack chase and bit other dogs. Man appears to enjoy the hunt and clearly allows dog to hunt and harass the Coyotes. Man's behavior demonstrates no regard for dog's safety, his own, or the Coyotes.