Vigilant Resident

  • 103 Griffith Street Jersey City New Jersey - The Heights

    UPDATE: Name of company is AAGC.

    Everyday this construction clean up crew transfers construction waste from all over the city on this property. They work all around the clock either with jack hammers or metal cutting saws to chop up stuff. The dust and noise created by this is crazy. There doesn't seem to be any regard or propensity for anyone to abide by the law in this area. A garage next door has been converted to a bar as well and every night they have some drunken revelries. On the other side there are 16 people living in a 2 bedroom house and running an illegal daycare center. The people living there are alcoholics and drug addicts incapable of taking care of children. Emergency medical attention has been called for multiple times at this place due to over dosage problems. We are homeowners and are just sick and tired of this place.

  • Graffiti Arquivado
    105 Griffith Street Jersey City, New Jersey - The Heights
    Gang signs on the garage opposite my home. There are three garages between 103 and 105 griffith street. There are gang signs on the doors of the garage. Also the middle garage is being used as an apartment/bar/prostitution house. The renter uses that garage to invite friends over for drinks and lives in there most of the day blasting music loud. This happens a lot post 5 PM.