
  • pothole and half cut down tree Inilagay sa Artsibo
    21 Pinehurst Providence Rhode Island - Elmhurst

    City workers came to cut tree down started cutting down and found out it was wrong one and cut one across street witch don't know why now stuck with half cut tree and lifting side walk missing keyway at end of my driveway called city hall numerous times nothing done I own my home and pay taxes guess I don't matter will be going to channel 10 if I don't hear anything

    One pothole fixed still have issue with tree now is hitting my house and end of driveway not fixed they only fixed hole in street the easiest of three guess the grant the city got for sidewalks and roads is for someone else not me who pays taxes it's not like I want a new sidewalk that the tree is lifting witch I trip over all the time just want the gone it's a hazard to me and my tenants just waiting for branch to break in wind now that it's trimmed up and top heavy now just hope no one gets hurt or cars on my property