• 200 Whittier Rd New Haven, Connecticut, 06515 - Westville
    Urgent - this tree needs to be cut down to the route. The roots are breaking up the sidewalk, making it dangerous to walk for the elderly, kids, and the Neighborhood Community.. Please cut this tree down as soon as possible. Thank you.
  • 200 Whittier Rd New Haven, Connecticut, 06515 - Westville
    Urgent - This tree needs to be cut down to root. The roots are breaking the sidewalk making it dangerous to walk for all the elderly, children and community that walk past my house. Please cut down asap!
  • Tree Trimming Archiviato
    200 Whittier Rd New Haven, Connecticut - Westville
    There trees on this corner block all sunlight to property causing an abundance of moss and mold on property. which is very unhealthy. All trees on this corner need to be trimmed and/or maybe removed.