
  • Code Violations Đã lưu trữ
    50 Morris St Albany, NY, 12208, USA - Park South
    Was told owner was cited when I submitted a request 2 weeks ago... no change.
  • Code Violations Đã lưu trữ
    50 Morris St Albany, NY, 12208, USA - Park South
    Please- garbage is overflowing for weeks. Submitted request to DGS - they’re “looking into it”... what’s to look into? If I park my car on the wrong side of the street, I get a ticket. Why doesn’t the city respond to these kinds of requests?
  • Illegal Trash Đã lưu trữ
    50 Morris St Albany, NY, 12208, USA - Park South
    Considering I’ve submitted requests like this 3 years ago and they are still marked “open” I can only surmise the city simply doesn’t care. So what to do? Should I let my neighbors continue to store their trash cans in the front of the house, overflowing? They seem to routinely neglect to take it out on trash night, despite my reminders, so I’ve resulted to taking out their trash myself... it’s to the point where we have decided to move to another neighborhood. If the city has codes it will not enforce, I don’t know what else we can do. We are told to submit reports through this app... but why bother?... this is sad. We love our house, we try to keep it nice, but what’s the point? Maybe I’ll just let the trash pile up
  • Illegal Trash Đã lưu trữ
    534 Madison Ave Albany, NY 12208, USA - Park South
    this project has been a MESS.
  • Trash Pick-Up Đã lưu trữ
    52 Morris St Albany, NY 12208, USA - Park South
    DGS has not picked up lawn waste on Morris St between Lark and Knox in over 3 weeks... hiiii we're trying to maintain our properties and we pay for trash pickup, including yard waste. just called DGS at 4:10 and got a message that their hours are until 5. then it asked me to call back during business hours....
  • 44 Morris St Albany, NY 12208, USA - Park South
    ice and snow have not been removed from sidewalk in front of this vacant building. owner should be cited. conditions are very slick and dangerous
  • 38 Morris St Albany, NY 12208, USA - Park South
    it's been over a week since the snow storm and this sidewalk hasn't been cleared. It is now a dangerous icey mess. landlord is local and should address.
  • Illegal Trash Đã lưu trữ
    351 Myrtle Ave Albany, NY 12208, USA - Park South
    in February this apartment complex left a couch out on the curb for months before it was removed. this month it's a variety of mattresses and a futon. left outside for at least the past two weeks. are city employees blind? what does it take to get a notice of violation in Albany?...
  • Vacant Lots Đã lưu trữ
    16 Morris St Albany, NY, 12208, USA - Park South
    My final postcard from the wild west that is the city of Albany-owned parking lot aka dump at the corner of Lark and Morris. What can I say? People drive on the NEW sidewalk to park here, the city doesn't tickets- thereby legitimizing this behavior and at the same time won't pave, install lights and meters as it does with its other parking lots. I won't even mention the plateless abandoned silver sedan that's been camped here since March and which I reported to dgs and the Albany pd.. because, why bother? Maybe it's time to call the land bank. That's what they do right? Take derelict properties out of the hands of irresponsible owners... Shame on the city of Albany for not even being able to manage a parking lot.
  • Illegal Trash Đã lưu trữ
    70 Morris St Albany, NY 12208, USA - Park South
    another day, another big piece of trash outside 70 Morris St.
  • Illegal Trash Đã lưu trữ
    49 Morris St Albany, NY 12208, USA - Park South
    ok, I get it. the city "doesn't pick up abandoned electronics".... this is a TV that was dumped outside of a vacant property. so... what should we do? who should pick this TV up?
  • Illegal Trash Đã lưu trữ
    351 Myrtle Ave Albany, NY, 12208, USA - Park South
    This disgusting couch has been here for months. Really, months. I appreciate See Click Fix but it is not the public's responsibility to inform the city about things like this. Because the city clearly knows about it. Months. Really.
  • 70 Morris St. Albany, New York - Park South
    Why is it so hard for tenants of 70 Morris to dispose of their garbage in their own building? This is a regular issue. Today, tenants decided they should leave their trash and cardboard outside the municipal trash bin outside of Pat Kelly Park at the intersection of Morris and Knox. Conveniently, they left their names on the boxes. Please address with management- Maddalone & Associates.
  • Illegal Trash Đã lưu trữ
    70 Morris St. Albany, New York - Park South
    Trashy. But congrats Maddalone & Associates for the new project on Dana- I'm sure you'll take great care of it!!
  • 30 Morris St. Albany, New York - Park South
    As reported here many times in the past- there is a large section of standing water in front of 3 houses on Morris St. This happens every time it rains. The mayor knows about it and has explained that this is happening because this street has not been redone. Right. Got that. When are we addressing this flooding?? this would not be allowed to happen in Center Square but because it's Park South- the issue remains.
  • Illegal Trash Đã lưu trữ
    70 Morris St Albany NY 12208, USA - Park South
    I hope they can manage their fancy new building in development on Dana Ave since this one just keeps getting away from them...
  • Illegal Trash Đã lưu trữ
    91 Morris St Albany, NY 12208, USA - Park South
  • 78 Morris St. Albany, New York - Park South
    Since purchasing my home in the Park South neighborhood last year, I've admired Pat Kelly park at the intersection of Morris and Knox. It is always impeccably maintained... and padlocked. I've asked about it at the neighborhood association meetings on a number of occasions and got hushed murmured responses as to why that is, and who has access to this park.
    Over the weekend, I was walking my dog and to my great surprise- a HUMAN! In Pat Kelly Park- gardening! I quickly walked over to this person and from the other side of the fence said with excitement "Good morning! I've never seen anyone in this park!" The person ignored me. I tried again "Do you have the key?" "Yes Maam I do, " said the person, not making eye contact - then walking away, ending the conversation. Stunned , I continued on my walk, baffled that someone who somehow has a key and private access to a CITY PARK was being so rude.
    On my way back I asked from the other side of the fence "this is a city park, right?" the person refused to answer me and went skulking off behind the shed.
    This is not acceptable. What the heck is going on with Pat Kelly Park? If it's someone's private park and I am confused- please let me know. But if this is a city-owned park (as the most recent parcel map indicates) it needs to be open or there needs to be some avenue for gaining access to members of the community. Is this the Secret Garden?
  • Illegal Trash Đã lưu trữ
    70 Morris Street Albany, New York - Park South
    another bit of trash left in front of this building for a week +
  • Parking Enforcement Đã lưu trữ
    16 Morris St. Albany, New York - Park South
    This lot has been vacant for quite some time. Lately, there have been upwards of 7 cars parked in this lot on a regular basis and on weekends and during Washington Park events, more folks park in it (driving over sidewalks to access it).
    So my question is- is this a parking lot? Can I park in it? Since people are already using it as a parking lot- why doesn't the city pave it, clean it up and install meters to make it a convenient PAID lot for Lark St. visitors. Seems like a no brainer. It currently looks bad and has no clear purpose.