
  • Street Repair 已存档
    3821 Veazey St Nw Washington, DC 20016, USA - Chevy Chase
    this road bed is in terrible shape and the aggregate from the hot patch and cold patch is running into the storm sewers which is aggravating problems of keeping them clean and keeping the baby clean as well as anyone who has to walk on this road to get to their car is in danger of falling on all the loose gravel. The buses put enough stress on the street that at some point The whole thing will fall apart in then instead of resurfacing it's going to have to go completely through the underlayment whoever schedules to work in didn't schedule this block when the two blocks from Reno to 38 street were paved probably needs a new job at a McDonald's or something
  • Sidewalk Repair 已存档
    3715 Veazey St Nw Washington, DC 20016, USA - Chevy Chase
    I have called my city counselors office several years have called the transportation or public works department and called the mayors office in this particular section has not been repaired even though they did a very nice job on the sidewalks along Vesey last year and when I called when the equipment was still in place they refused to do it. I even talk to some guy named Billy at the public works department who was supposed to send somebody look at the sidewalk while the equipment was still there but he refused to call me back or do anything about it which ticked me off