
  • Other Archiviert
    197 Fulton St Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford
    For the past several years, a mirror has been placed on a telephone pole on Fulton Street at the end of Ridgeway Road. It has been a very welcome safety measure for anyone pulling out of Ridgeway onto Fulton. A couple of days ago, the mirror has been dislodged from the pole, and is no longer effective. It is also dangling from the pole creating a risk of falling into the street. Can we have it either repaired or replace before someone is seriously injured?
  • 436 Salem St Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford
    Now that Valentine's Day is in the rear view mirror, maybe the City should take down the Christmas decorations from Haynes Square. There is a sign promoting Murphy Landscaping as "designing and maintaining" the site, but apparently are not doing. their job. Nevertheless, the City should remove these embarrassing decorations. Take some pride. Thanks.
  • 197 Fulton St Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford
    I thought these Lime Bikes were to be picked up every night, so they don't litter the neighborhoods with these eyesores. One of these bikes has been parked on the corner of Fulton Street and Ridgeway Road for over a week now. What happened to the deal Medford has with this company? Can we have the bike removed?
  • Loose Mirror Archiviert
    15 Leonard Cir Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford
    Recently, the city placed a mirror, on the telephone pole on Fulton St, directly across from Ridgeway Rd. This mirror allows drivers to see oncoming traffic on Fulton, at a very dangerous intersection. During the recent storm, the mirror loosened, and is now angled improperly, and will likely drop to the street if not addressed.
  • Illegal Dumping Archiviert
    336 Riverside Ave Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford
    Doesn't anybody care? A Flatscreen TV has been dumped at the corner of Riverside Avenue and Spring Street. It has been there for about three weeks. Please remove.
  • 463 Fellsway W Medford, MA 02155, USA - Medford
    There is a very big tree on the Fellsway, which is directly in front of St. Francis Church, that is all rotted out at the base. It is blatantly obvious to anyone driving Northbound just past Fulton Street. Before someone gets hurt, or even killed by a fallen tree, the City should address this issue. I realize it is the Fellsway, and it is probably a DCR issue, but please take the necessary steps to remove this tree before it becomes a regrettable situation.
  • Valley Street & Massachusetts 28 & Fellsway West Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
  • 17 Leonard Circle Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    Much of North Medford was scheduled for Street Sweeping today, but due to inclement weather, it was cancelled. No notification of the cancellation was provided to residents, which would have been appreciated. Most residents of Leonard Circle scrambled to get their vehicles off the street per request of Captain Clemente, and the threat of towing and ticketing. Please let us know what day, if any, our streets will be rescheduled for cleaning. Lord knows they need it. Thanks.
  • Illegal Dumping Archiviert
    1-17 Leonard Circle Medford, Massachusetts - Medford

    For about

    a month, there has been a discarded mattress leaning against a tree at the corner of Almont Street and the Fellsway. That's right...a month. This is a disgrace to the city, and a poor reflection on its citizens. Would it be possible for the DPW to remove it? Thanks.

  • 1-99 Leonard Circle Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    I drive down the Fellsway at least once a day, and when I pass Almont St, I see furniture piled up on the corner with a sign saying FREE. This has been there for at least three weeks and is an eyesore, as well as a health hazard. Can you honestly tell me that not one city employee, nor any elected official has seen this? Damn it. Take some pride in the city. Please ask the owner, who is a junk collector, to clean up this mess. Corner of Fellsway West and Almont Street. Thanks.
  • Pothole Archiviert
    20 Leonard Circle Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    Week #3 of a very unattractive orange cone, which is covering a pothole at the corner of Forest St. and Watervale, across from Valley Street. The city cannot continue to throw comes at all the problems that exist around town. After a day or two these issues should be addressed, and rectified. The city is becoming a "City of Cones". Shameful. DPW Trucks, as well as elected officials, drive past this every day. I realize the workers are busy, but three weeks??
  • 1-99 Leonard Cir Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    Any chance a city truck can address a problem with a loose manhole cover on Leonard Circle? This cover rattles the neighborhood whenever anyone drives over it, which is quite often. This was not a problem until city workers did a routine inspection a couple of months ago.
  • 20 Leonard Cir Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    At the end of Valley Street as you are entering the Fellsway, there is a mattress that was left against the fence (and amongst the four foot weeds) over two weeks ago. Apparently, not one elected official, nor any Medford city worker has noticed. Take some pride, people. Please remove this eyesore. Thanks.
  • 15 Leonard Circle Medford - Medford
    A manhole cover in the center of Leonard Circle, between #12 and #15 was opened by the city a month ago, and not replaced properly. As a result, every car that drives up or down the street results in a loud CLANG. A simple adjustment will correct the problem. Thanks.
  • 16 Upland Rd Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    Several cars parked on Maple Park Drive all day, every day. At least one car belongs to a person from Everett (see photo), who parks for FREE and hops on the 100 bus to go to work from 8:00 a.m. til 5:00 p.m. Meanwhile, residents of Medford are asked to pay to pick up a couple of items at Modern Hardware in Haynes Square (among other local stores). How does this get rectified where out of towners have to pay to park for the convenience of using our streets? Not fair.
  • Sign Post Archiviert
    Salem Street And Lambert Street - Medford
    For about a month, this broken sign post has posed a threat to anyone walking outside the Shanghai Moon in Haynes Square. Wrapping red tape around what remains of the post does NOT eliminate the problem. Between the entrance of the restaurant and Lambert Street. Website will not allow me to attach a picture, but you can't miss it.
  • Illegal Dumping Archiviert
    Ridgeway Road Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    There is a black couch on Ridgeway Road at the corner of Fellsway West, that appears to have been abandoned. It has been there since Monday and is an eyesore for residents. Please remove. Thanks.