
  • Trash W archiwum
    2-16 Liberty Avenue Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    taking over whole sidewalk - and these are from a house that isn't even on Liberty Ave so shouldn't have any trash cans on this street (they're on the main street)
  • Glass From Trash W archiwum
    9 Liberty Avenue Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    the garbage truck knocked over a trash bin this morning breaking glass on the ground (I was outside & heard it) - presumed they would clean it up but looks like they didn't today
  • Pothole W archiwum
    558 Main St Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    Somewhere on this stretch close to this is a real bad one I hit last weekend.
  • 495 Main St Medford, Massachusetts - Medford

    Parking should be blocked for at least a few car lengths on each side of the exit of Liberty Ave into Main St. Every time I pull out of Liberty I think that since visibility of incoming traffic is near impossible until you are almost in the Main St lane. There was a major accident last night and hear brakes slammed constantly due to this.

    My last traffic related issue was just ignored on here so assume this will get the same treatment but with a try - what's the point of using a new platform to resolve issues if you have to tell people to use another more complicated, antiquated means to get it addressed.

  • Mystic Valley Pkwy Medford, Massachusetts - Medford
    It would nice if this was a yield to pedestrians at all times crosswalk rather than a button/light you have to wait for. This section (main intersection, this crossing, and the underpass) is not as pedestrian friendly as it should be with the mystic river parkway right on the other side of it all.