
  • Other 已存档
    Blatchley And Monroe New Haven, Connecticut - Fair Haven
    Ilegal Fireworks that start after 8PM and sound like shotgun blast!! It goes on night after night, it is tormenting. Children are scared and hide not knowing if it is gun fire or not. My dog has broken down 3 doors inside my house again this year already in fear trying to escape the loud blast. Paying over $15,000 a year in property taxes I do not understand why our peace and safety must be compromised like this night after night. Fair Haven sounds like a WAR ZONE, when are we to know to protect our family
  • 344 Blatchley Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Fair Haven
    There are constant CAR accidents on the corner of Pine and Blatchley. Many are hit and run. Can traffic control please consider a stop light or speed bumps in that area, there are many children residing in this area and multiple schools that use this corner as a Bus Stop. It is very dangerous. Thank you
  • Tree Trimming 已存档
    173 Pine Street New Haven, Connecticut - Fair Haven
    The tree in front of 173 Pine Street has over grown and is leaning on power lines and on the roof of the house.