
  • 1512 Flynn Rd. Richmond, Virginia - Elkhardt
    Street lights on both sides of this address have not been working for nearly two years, but have been reported here and city offices including the Mayors numerous times. Please do not pass off again to Va Power as I have spoke to their reps personally and they came out and turned back on the 5 street lights leading up to this address back late in the Summer after being made aware of the recent homicide. This is clear now that it is the city's property and this area has had a person killed adjacent to this address back in the Summer... Town n' Country Apartments... opposite side of street. It appears this is where the line is drawn between responsibility between Va Power and the City. Could you please shed some light on the subject matter here? Thank you!
  • 1512 Flynn Rd. Richmond, Virginia - Elkhardt
    Street lights on both ends of property at 1512 Flynn Rd. have not worked for the past year as well as several between this address and back toward the back of Haynes Furniture. Trying this technique to report problem as several calls including the mayor's office have had no results. City seems to believe the lights are maintained by Dominion Power and calls to Dominion Power believe street lights are maintained by Richmond City and neither source does anything for an area where I wake up to gunshots being fired recently at 2am. Can you please resolve this matter?
  • Potholes La Kaydiiyey
    1512 Flynn Rd. Richmond, Virginia - Elkhardt
    Various potholes along this stretch from Flynn Rd. & Whitehead Rd to the 1400 block of Flynn Rd. that are in need of a total repaving from being patched repeatedly poorly every year for the last several years and open right back up every winter. My car's wheel rim actually had to be repaired last year from falling into the pothole on the curve behind Hayne's Furniture to keep from hitting an oncoming vehicle. Pothole was fixed later and now back again as usual, but even appeared before snowstorm, but now bigger again. Please note that snowplows only come down this stretch of road once a season if we are fortunate and ice remains until it melts.