
  • Tree Trimming Arquivado
    327 Willow St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - East Rock
    A large branch fell from this tree earlier in the month (around 3/3) -- nearly falling on a driver who was passing through. He stopped short of it, the branch pulled down wires from a nearby telephone pole. The fire department responded quickly to clean up the wires and branch from the street. This tree needs to come down. I'm afraid to park or walk beneath it! Thank you!
  • Willow St New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    There have been "Emergency Order: No Parking" signs posted on my block of Willow St between Whitney Ave and Livingston since Friday afternoon with no information regarding why there is a parking ban - or for how long this will be in effect. Most neighbors have continued to park on the street since a reason for the parking ban has not been provided. City: Please take these down, or let us know what the ban is for! Thanks!