• Pothole 已存档
    805 Read St Attleboro 02703, United States - Attleboro
    On Read St at Joanna Dr there is an area of patched pavement approximately 75 feet in length and the entire width of the lane that is crumbled and broken. It has become a hazard causing cars to swerve to avoid or abruptly slow down because it is such a rough section of road to drive over. Please, this needs to be paved over. Another attempt at patching can’t possibly fix this.
  • Pike Ave At Orchard Lane Attleboro - Attleboro
    In front of the house on Pike Ave at the corner of Orchard Lane, water pools into the road. It has been freezing and creating very hazardous road conditions on this very narrow and winding road.
  • Pothole 已存档
    Slater St Attleboro Ma - Attleboro
  • 507 Thacher St Attleboro, MA 02703, USA - Attleboro
    I reported the flashing school zone lights and street lights not being updated to the new DLS time in the spring and EST time in the fall which occurred in 2008. This issue has not been corrected. I imagine DPW simply set the time ahead an hour. So now the timer is still on the outdated time change which would have occurred this week. This week the flashing school zone light heading west on Thacher St was flashing at 12:30 which means it stopped flashing at release time for Studley Elementary. Why can't this issue be resolved!?! I have called every year for the past 8 years to the DPW and have been given the impression that this is just not an important issue. Once, the supervisor laughed when I expressed my concern. Please, let's fix this. For real this time.
  • 51-99 Prairie Ave Attleboro, MA 02703, USA - Attleboro
    Back in 2007 we extended Daylight Savings time by one month. This changed the times clocks are moved forward in Spring and back in Fall by 2 weeks. The timers on the city's traffic lights and school zone flashing lights are still programmed for these outdated time changes. Early in the morning traffic lights are flashing instead of turning red/green and school zone lights are not active when needed at school start and release times. I have requested many times over the last several years that this be resolved. I feel this is a safety issue that needs to be addressed.
  • Pothole 已存档
    627 Thacher St Attleboro, MA 02703, USA - Attleboro
  • Pothole 已存档
    51-99 Prairie Ave Attleboro, MA 02703, USA - Attleboro