
  • Non-functioning Traffic Lights Αναγνωρισμένο
    1005 West Brookland Park Boulevard Richmond, Virginia - Virginia Union
    In the late afternoons traffic is seriously backed up going eastbound on Brookland Park Blvd due to the rapidity of the light change. When it turns green it literally only stays that way for seconds, only allowing one or two cars to get through the intersection before turning red. In the mornings or at night it doesn't change quite so fast, just around the time the schools have let out and into rush hour.
  • 2005 Rose Ave Richmond, Virginia - Southern Barton Heights
    Abandoned house now owned by the city is becoming a dangerous nuisance as it is unsecured. Youths have been using it as a party/drug house. Last night a number of kids were accessing the house carrying guns. Due to plumbing/sewage issues it has been reported that the house's basement is filled with water thus posing a health hazard to the neighborhood. As it is becoming a danger to the neighborhood and it's condition is beyond salvage, it is currently condemned as a blight, it should be torn down before anyone is harmed.
  • Alley Archived
    2007 Miller Avenue Richmond, Virginia - Southern Barton Heights
    It's been a decade since the alley has been properly regraded and new gravel added. One truck dumped some left over gravel last summer but it was to fine and not of sufficient quantity to bring the alley up to standards. The alley for the 1900 and 2100 blocks have been nicely redone but not ours. When can we expect proper repairs to bring the alley under control?