
  • Phone call W archiwum
    31 Frew Terrace Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    I received a threatening phone call from this #202-656-8688 saying that they were the FBI and it was my last chance or they would bring me before the magistrate.
  • Frew Terrace Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    Hi - I had reported a speed problem for Frew Terrace on September 13, 2015. You had mentioned that it would be addressed, but I have not seen any action. This problem is constant on this street. Please assist.
  • Frew Terrace Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    The speed limit on this street is 25 MPH. Cars routinely go up this street at greater than 50 mph. With the young children on this street, it is a matter of time before a child is hurt or killed.