
  • 542 W College Ave Hartsville, SC 29550, USA - Hartsville
    727 W College Ave has been uninhabited and probably uninhabitable for more than 10 years. Are there any plans to condemn or demolish this lot?
  • 109-115 N 10th St Hartsville, SC 29550, USA - Hartsville
    Pothole at intersection of 10th and Carolina beside Warrens.
  • Feral cats Archivé
    534 W College Ave Hartsville, SC 29550, USA - Hartsville
    There are several feral cats living under the empty house next door to mine. They've been there for well over a year. They attack birds in our yard, sleep and poop on our porch and in our yard and kill our pond fish. They frequently fight other cats and each other. Can animal control take care of them?
  • 536 W College Ave Hartsville, SC 29550, USA - Hartsville
    Last summer a large old oak tree on the street side of the sidewalk was severely damaged by a storm. A large portion broke off into my yard. The city came and cleaned it up. I was told at that time that this tree is diseased and "on the list" to be removed entirely. The city employee stated it would probably be removed in the next month or two. It is still there and I haven't seen or heard anything else about it. Do you have an update?
  • 536 West College Ave Hartsville, SC - Hartsville
    A few of the street lights in the 500 block of College Ave aren't lighting at night.
  • 533 W College Ave Hartsville, SC 29550, USA - Hartsville
    I previously reported this issue last year. It is almost a year later and the disabled Tahoe is still sitting in the street in front of 533 W College Ave. According to the owner the vehicle has no reverse gear and it has not moved once in nearly a year.
  • 536 W College Ave Hartsville, SC 29550, USA - Hartsville
    Very large oak tree on the curb of 500 block of College Avenue partially fell during storm of 7/7/16. Large part in my front yard. Another part over drop lines of neighbors yard. Duke power did not cut or move any part of the tree when they responded to report after the storm. Tree is on street side of sidewalk between two properties and has been maintained by the city. I believe the tree is rotting as evidenced by internal structure revealed by break and is now unstable as all the weight is now distributed to the street side. Please advise, as this is too large a job for one property owner and a professional will need to remove the tree due to entanglement and proximity to power lines.