
  • pot holes W archiwum
    1284 Astor Avenue Pelham Manor, New York - Baychester
    please patch the pot holes on Astor Ave North Bound.
  • Hutchinson River Parkway New York, New York - Eastchester
    The exit from I-95 S to the Hutchinson River Parkway S. is an accident waiting to happen. The exit leads into a full lane onto the Hutch however the lines are not painted and motorist are coming to a full stop and trying to merge into the middle lane since it's not clear that there is a full lane available to them. Please have someone paint the road, it would take no time at all to take care of this proble.
  • 3747 Purchase Street Harrison, New York - Harrison
    Rt 120 is in terrible shape, many pot holes so big that will ruin you car and send bicycles flying. The shoulder is also in terrible shape so there is no where for these bicycles to go and this is also causing a driving hazzard.