
  • 519 Avery St Decatur, Georgia - Decatur

    Plot 607 overgrown with vines and standing dead tree in violation of city ordinance.

    Sec. 54-56. - Prohibited conditions.

    It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant of any property within the city to maintain such property with weeds, briars, vines, dead limbs, and branches from trees, underbrush, garbage, trash or other things thereon that will constitute an unsanitary or dangerous condition, health menace or fire hazard.

    (Code 1967, § 16-35(a); Ord. No. O-91-21, 11-4-91; Ord. No. O-92-06, 3-16-92)

  • 125 Bruton St Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
  • 125 Bruton St Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    Comcast left their cable exposed above ground and made an illegal ground tap to the electric meter box.
  • 125 Bruton St Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    Please ask the recycling and garbage truck drivers not to drive thru the median. We do our best to keep it looking nice and driving over it with a heavy truck or 2 every week is a big setback..
    And it tracks mud into the street.
  • Sidewalks Archivé
    125 Bruton St Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    Sidewalk crumbling.
  • Pothole Archivé
    125 Bruton St Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    Sewer line caving in the street.
  • Pothole Archivé
    125 Bruton St Decatur, Georgia - Decatur
    Road is caving in several places like this on Bruton St.