
  • Johnson Blvd / Seminole Blvd SEMINOLE, Florida - Seminole
    The sun is so bright just before 8am that when facing Eastbound, on Johnson Blvd, pedestrian's are difficult to see. When making a left hand turn, to head North on Seminole Blvd, I have seen 2 people almost get hit within the last month. I reccommend putting the cross walk on the south side of the road instead of the north side of the road. Heading Southbound, cars and Pedestrians will have more time to get out of each other's way.
  • Mosquito control W archiwum
    10365 Satsuma Rd Seminole, Florida - Seminole
    My family gets bit by mosquitos all over, even when wearing bug spray, when playing outside after we get home from work. We ensure water is well drained on our property. This summer seems to be pretty brutal. We just moved into this area so I don't know if it is normally like this or not. Thank you if you could send some extra treatment to our area.