
  • Pothole Arquivado
    26 Willett St Albany, New York - Center Square
    Pothole. Never nearly sufficiently filled with patch material each time crew goes out. I had to help a disabled individual in a wheelchair who was stuck in it during a rainstorm, they couldnt get out because it was so deep. Should be filled in its entirety to the existing roadway surface.
  • State Street And Henry Johnson Boulevard Albany, New York - Central Avenue
    When contractor reset curbs at the intersection for new curb ramps, two sections of curb have a 2" gap between them that a small dog or someone wearing heels could easily fall into. Only looked at south east curb drop, same issue may exist at other curb drops, did not look. Should be filled asap before someone breaks an ankle or falls into traffic.
  • Pothole Arquivado
    86-98 Henry Johnson Boulevard Albany, New York - Sheridan Hollow
    This sewer manhole has to be 4-6 inches lower than the ground and is always wet, which poses obvious issues in the winter. It poses a serious issue for people that drive through it, I could easily see a motorcyclist dumping a bike in it or a pedestrian falling in the road. It's probably caused tons of $$ in damage to peoples suspensions as well. It really should be raised to grade with the street ASAP
  • Street Repair Arquivado
    State Street & Willett St Albany, New York - Central Avenue

    I took this picture today, after the contractor hired by the city competed paving operations on State Street. This is at the intersection of Willett and State. This is just horrendous. How much extra would it have cost to have the contractor sawcut the transitions? Or run a bobcat with milling head across the road? Callanan is a huge company and does far larger projects than this, and knows better.

    The better question is, why wasn't city engineering out to inspect their work? Or if they couldnt be bothered come out and inspect the TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars of work that was completed over the last two days, why not hire an inspection company to do it for them? Or did city engineering look at this and go "looks good enough to me?"

    This is terrible. Every single other intersection is the same story. It will ride terrible, it will cause tripping hazards. The second it drops below freezing and a plow goes over it, its going to blow out. And at that point, all this work was done why? Just to spend money?

    Half of the manholes for the sewer are a couple millimeters high. High enough so that when the drum rolled over them, no compaction was achieved on the asphalt around it. This will also blow out as soon as a plow goes over it.

    The taxpayers pay a ton in taxes to the city, particularly over here where property values are so high. Citizens deserve far better than this absolutely terrible work for the money they pay.

  • Jennings Landing Albany, New York - Albany
    I could be wrong, but this seems dangerous.
  • Pothole Arquivado
    Lancaster St Albany, New York - Center Square
    all the surrounding asphalt from the manhole cover spalled out, seemingly all at once. the whole thing needs to be filled all around the manhole cover
  • 300 Washington Avenue Extension Albany New York - Dunes
    2nd or 3rd Street Light on eastbound lane, just east of "pine west/Columbia cir" is loose at the screws on the concrete base and gyrates around with the wind. Appears to be ready to drop into the road at some point. Should be inspected and fixed ASAP!
  • Street Repair Arquivado
    Henry Johnson Blvd & 1st St Albany, New York - Arbor Hill