
  • Sign Issue Признана
    362–398 E Peace St Raleigh NC 27604, United States - Blount Corridor
    There are near accidents everyday at the intersection of Peace and N Person (double left turning lanes from Peace onto N Person where the Kripsy Kreme is located). People unfamiliar with Person St. do not understand that the left-most Left turn lane MUST turn to the nearest left lane onto Person-there's is no middle lane! One lane for each turning lane. It's so hard to tell with the old left turning sign next to a light with another turn sign. These are two lanes turning together at the same time. -Please put better signage above the lights to show that both lanes are turning left and they can only use the closest left two lanes due to the new bike lan on the righte.People are all over the place and it is just unsafe!
  • Pothole Archived
    1426 Wake Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27604, USA - Blount Corridor
    The potholes are starting to connect in the vicinity of the Chinese Church and Brookside going towards Capital Blvd and the circus restaurant. Please fix!