
  • bleachers Archivé
    Veterans Memorial Park enfield, ct - polytest
    The little league bleachers have been upside down near the tennis courts for weeks now. Will they be put back in place or repaired if needed? Also there is a mole issue with tunnels all around the tree line of the park.
  • Oakridge & Willstar Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    The street signs off of South Road in particular Oakridge and Wilstar are completely rusty. Do these get replaced or painted as needed or does someone need to alert the town to maintain them?
  • Street Sign Archivé
    Sidor Drive Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    The Sidor Drive street sign at South Road needs to be straightened.
  • 13 Sidor Drive Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    Unregistered vehicles, truck in driveway, car on lawn.
  • South Road At Duprey Drive Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    Please replace the street sign pole for Duprey Drive off of South Road as it is rusted and an eyesore.
  • 26 Conlin Drive Enfield, Connecticut - polytest
    White house with pealing paint, no gutters, house looks horrible. Has been like this for years.