
  • Need to Slow Traffic on Central Ave تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    Central Ave New Haven, Connecticut - Westville
    Traffic speeds on Central Ave in westville are insanely fast with numerous parked cars being hit and totaled. In my own family 3 parked cars have been totaled on Central near Edgewood Ave and a friend farther down Central just past Barton has had their car hit multiple times and a vehicle used for work totaled, destroying their business. As an inexpensive and quick solution, I would like to propose that white lines be painted to designate a shoulder on the side of the street with no parking and a white line be painted 18"-24" from the parked car doors (much the way the snow created a narrower lane last winter with plenty of room to safely open car doors) this would create a narrower feeling driving lane (I think the minimum suggested is 8' wide so there is plenty of room). This would give the street a feeling of being narrower and slow traffic a bit. I just watched a car honk, swerve around a car trying to park and screech away at high speed. It is dangerous for people, and for the many many cars that have to park on the street because many houses don't have driveways or have multiple renters without off street parking.