
  • Snow plows Archivé
    72-80 Terrianne Dr Taunton, MA 02780, USA - Taunton
    What is so hard to understand? I said the same thing last year. Why should the homeowner go through the expense and labor of defining the property line with reflectors only to have city plows or 3rd party contractors ignore them and just do whatever they want. Don't get me wrong, I have compassion for our public servents that have to work in demanding conditions, but really, all they have to do is look. We are trying to help out, and this is how we are repaid?
  • Other Archivé
    80 Terrianne Drive Taunton, Massachusetts - Taunton
    What Spence does it make to go thru the labor and expense to put out reflectors to help define the property line for the snowplows if their just going to dig every thing up anyway? It' like they see the reflectors and they say "Oh look their is a target, let's just hit it". Now I have to go out in the spring and fix the lawn. AGAIN.
  • Pothole Archivé
    76-110 Field St Taunton, Massachusetts - Taunton
    Field St. Eastbound before Lorthrop
  • Pothole Archivé
    2102 Bay St Taunton, Massachusetts - Taunton
    Bay St. near light
    at 495
  • Pothole Archivé
    246 Field St Taunton, Massachusetts - Taunton
    246 Field St. Near Prospect Hill St